Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright 2017 notna <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

__all__ = [

import sys
import time
import struct
import threading
import socket
import queue
import selectors
import warnings
import collections
import zlib

    import msgpack as msgpack
    _MSGPACK_TYPE = "msgpack-python"
except ImportError:
    import umsgpack as msgpack
    _MSGPACK_TYPE = "umsgpack"

    import ssl
except (ImportError,AttributeError):
    HAVE_SSL = False
    HAVE_SSL = True

import peng3d

from . import version
from . import packet
from . import util
from . import registry
from . import errors
from . import conntypes
from .constants import *

:py:class:`struct.Struct` instance used for rapid encoding and decoding of header data.

.. seealso::
   See :py:data:`peng3dnet.constants.STRUCT_FORMAT_HEADER` for more information.
:py:class:`struct.Struct` instance used for rapid encoding and decoding of the length prefix.

.. seealso::
   See :py:data:`peng3dnet.constants.STRUCT_FORMAT_LENGTH32` for more information.

[docs]class Server(object): """ Server class representing the server side of the client-server relationship. Usually, a server will be able to serve many clients simultaneously without problems. This is achieved using the :py:mod:`selectors` standard library module, which internally uses :py:mod:`select` or similiar techniques. If given, ``peng`` should be an instance of :py:class:`peng3d.peng.Peng` and will be used for sending events and the configuration system. Note that without a valid ``peng`` parameter, the event system will not work and a custom config stack will be created. If a ``peng`` parameter is given, its config stack will be adapted and the event system enabled. .. seealso:: See :confval:`` and :doc:`/events` for more information on the event system. ``addr``\ , if given, should be a value parseable by :py:func:`peng3dnet.util.normalize_addr_socketstyle()`\ . If ``addr`` is not given, first :confval:`net.server.addr` is tried, then :confval:`` and :confval:`net.server.addr.port`\ . If any given address is missing an explicitly specified port, :confval:`net.server.addr.port` is supplemented. ``clientcls`` may be used to override the class used for creating new client-on-server objects. Defaults to :py:class:`ClientOnServer`\ . ``cfg`` may be used to override initial configuration values and should be a dictionary. """ def __init__(self,peng=None,addr=None,clientcls=None,cfg=None): cfg = cfg if cfg is not None else {} if peng is None: self.cfg = peng3d.config.Config(cfg,DEFAULT_CONFIG) else: ncfg = {} ncfg.update(DEFAULT_CONFIG) ncfg.update(cfg) self.cfg = peng3d.config.Config(ncfg,peng.cfg) if addr is not None: # addr may override everything # net.server.addr comes next # is last addr = util.normalize_addr_socketstyle(addr,self.cfg["net.server.addr.port"]) self.cfg[""]=addr[0] self.cfg["net.server.addr.port"]=addr[1] elif self.cfg["net.server.addr"] is None: addr = util.normalize_addr_socketstyle(self.cfg[""],self.cfg["net.server.addr.port"]) else: addr = util.normalize_addr_socketstyle(self.cfg["net.server.addr"],self.cfg["net.server.addr.port"]) if self.cfg[""]=="auto": self.cfg[""]=peng is not None self.peng = peng self.addr = addr self.is_client = False self.is_server = True self.side = SIDE_SERVER self.sock = None self._sock_lock = threading.Lock() self.selector = None self._selector_lock = threading.Lock() self._next_cid = 1 self._cid_lock = threading.Lock() self._init_lock = threading.Lock() self._is_bound = False self._is_started = False self._is_initialized = False self._irqrecv = None self._irqsend = None self.clientcls = clientcls if clientcls is not None else ClientOnServer self._run_thread = None self._process_thread = None self._process_queue = queue.Queue() self._process_condition = threading.Condition() = True self.clients = {} self.conntypes = {} self.registry = registry.PacketRegistry()
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initializes internal registries used during runtime. Calling this method repeatedly will be ignored. Currently, this registers packets and connection types. Additionally, the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:server.initialize` event is sent. Subclasses and Mix-ins may hook into this method via definition of methods named ``_reg_packets_*`` or ``_reg_conntypes_*`` with the star being an arbitrary string. The method may not take any arguments. """ if self._is_initialized: return with self._init_lock: if self._is_initialized: return # Packet registration from .packet import internal self.register_packet("peng3dnet:internal.hello",internal.HelloPacket(self.registry,self),1) self.register_packet("peng3dnet:internal.settype",internal.SetTypePacket(self.registry,self),2) self.register_packet("peng3dnet:internal.handshake",internal.HandshakePacket(self.registry,self),3) self.register_packet("peng3dnet:internal.handshake.accept",internal.HandshakeAcceptPacket(self.registry,self),4) self.register_packet("peng3dnet:internal.closeconn",internal.CloseConnectionPacket(self.registry,self),16) # Calls all methods named _reg_packets_* for mixin support for attr in dir(self): if attr.startswith("_reg_packets_") and callable(getattr(self,attr,None)): getattr(self,attr)() # Connection Type registration self.addConnType("classic",conntypes.ClassicConnectionType(self)) # Calls all methods named _reg_conntypes_* for mixin support for attr in dir(self): if attr.startswith("_reg_conntypes_") and callable(getattr(self,attr,None)): getattr(self,attr)() self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.initialize",{})
[docs] def bind(self): """ Creates and binds the socket used for listening for new connections. Repeated calls of this method will be ignored. If SSL is enabled, an SSL context will be created and the socket wrapped according to the SSL settings. .. seealso:: See :confval:`net.ssl.enabled` for more information about the SSL configuration. Currently, the socket will be configured to listen for up to 100 connection requests in parallel. After binding of the socket, the event :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:server.bind` will be sent. """ if self._is_bound: return with self._sock_lock: if self._is_bound: return if self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"] and self.cfg["net.ssl.force"] and not HAVE_SSL: raise RuntimeError("SSL Has not been found, but it is required") elif (self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"] and not HAVE_SSL or self.cfg["net.ssl.server.certfile"] is None or self.cfg["net.ssl.server.keyfile"] is None): self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"]=False warnings.warn("Potential security weakness because ssl had to be disabled") self._irqrecv,self._irqsend = socket.socketpair() self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Use only if debugging, prevents address in use errors (ERRNO 98) self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.sock.bind(tuple(self.addr)) self.sock.listen(100) self.sock.setblocking(False) if self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"]: self.sslcontext = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH,cafile=self.cfg["net.ssl.server.certfile"]) self.sslcontext.load_cert_chain(certfile=self.cfg["net.ssl.server.certfile"], keyfile=self.cfg["net.ssl.server.keyfile"]) #self.sslcontext.load_default_certs(purpose=ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) #self.sslcontext.load_verify_locations(cafile=self.cfg["net.ssl.cafile"]) self.sslcontext.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if self.cfg["net.ssl.server.force_verify"] else ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL #print(self.sslcontext.get_ca_certs()) self._is_bound = True self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.bind",{"addr":tuple(self.addr)})
[docs] def runBlocking(self,selector=selectors.DefaultSelector): """ Runs the server main loop in a blocking manner. ``selector`` may be changed to override the selector used for smart waiting. This method blocks until :py:meth:`stop()` is called. """ if self._is_started: return self.initialize() self.bind() with self._selector_lock: if self._is_started: return self.selector = selector() self.selector.register(self.sock,selectors.EVENT_READ,[self._accept,self]) self.selector.register(self._irqrecv,selectors.EVENT_READ,[self._client_ready,None]) self.selector.register(self._irqsend,selectors.EVENT_READ,[self._client_ready,None]) self._is_started = True self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.start",{}) while events = for key,mask in events: callback,data = try: callback(key.fileobj, mask, data) except Exception: import traceback;traceback.print_exc()# Ignore exceptions for now...
[docs] def runAsync(self,selector=selectors.DefaultSelector): """ Runs the server main loop in a seperate thread. ``selector`` may be changed to override the selector used for smart waiting. This method does not block and should return immediately. The newly created thread will be named ``peng3dnet Server Thread`` and is a daemon thread, i.e. it will not keep the program alive. """ self._run_thread = threading.Thread(name="peng3dnet Server Thread",target=self.runBlocking,args=[selector]) self._run_thread.daemon = True self._run_thread.start()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops the running server main loop. Will set an internal flag, then sends the event :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:server.stop` and calls :py:meth:`interrupt()` to force the close. Note that this will not close open connections properly, use :py:meth:`shutdown()` instead. """ = False self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.stop",{"reason":"method"}) self.interrupt()
[docs] def interrupt(self): """ Wakes up the main loop by sending a special message to an internal socket. This forces the main loop to iterate once and check that the system is still running. Also sends the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:server.interrupt` event. """ # simply wakes the main loop up # used to force a check if the system is still running self._irqsend.sendall(b"wake up!") self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.interrupt",{})
[docs] def shutdown(self,join=True,timeout=0,reason="servershutdown"): """ Shuts down the server, disconnecting all clients. If ``join`` is true, this method will block until all clients are disconnected or ``timeout`` seconds have passed. If ``timeout`` is ``0``\ , it will be ignored. ``reason`` will be used as the closing reason and transmitted to all clients. After these messages have been sent, :py:meth:`stop()` is called and the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:server.shutdown` event is sent. """ for cid in list(self.clients.keys()): try: self.close_connection(cid,reason) #self.send_message("peng3d:internal.closeconn",{"reason":"servershutdown"}) except Exception: pass if join: # TODO t = time.time() while len(self.clients)>0 and time.time()-t<timeout: time.sleep(0.01) self.stop() self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.shutdown",{"reason":reason,"join":join,"timeout":timeout}) if join: self.join(timeout-(time.time()-t))
[docs] def join(self,timeout=None): """ Waits for all spawned threads to finish. If ``timeout`` is given, it indicates the total amount of time spent waiting. If a thread has not been started yet, it will be skipped and not waited for. """ self.stop() ft = time.time()+timeout if timeout is not None else 1 if self._run_thread is not None: if timeout is None: self._run_thread.join() else: self._run_thread.join(max(ft-time.time(),0)) if self._process_thread is not None: if timeout is None: self._process_thread.join() else: self._process_thread.join(max(ft-time.time(),0))
def _accept(self,sock,mask,data): conn,addr = sock.accept() if self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"]: conn = self.sslcontext.wrap_socket(conn, server_side=True) conn.setblocking(False) client = self.clientcls(self,conn,addr,self.genCID()) self.clients[client.cid]=client with self._selector_lock: self.selector.register(conn,selectors.EVENT_READ,[self._client_ready,client]) if not self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"]: client.state = STATE_HELLOWAIT client.on_connect() #self.send_message("peng3dnet:internal.handshake",{"version":version.VERSION,"protoversion":version.PROTOVERSION,"registry":dict(self.registry.reg_int_str._inv)},client.cid) self.send_message("peng3dnet:internal.hello",{"version":version.VERSION,"protoversion":version.PROTOVERSION},client.cid) self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.connection.accept",{"sock":conn,"addr":addr,"client":client,"cid":client.cid}) def _client_ready(self,conn,mask,data): if data is not None and self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"] and data.ssl_state=="handshake": # SSL Handshake not yet complete try: conn.do_handshake() except ssl.SSLWantWriteError: skey = self.selector.get_key(conn) if not skey&selectors.EVENT_WRITE: self.selector.modify(conn,selectors.EVENT_READ|selectors.EVENT_WRITE,[self._client_ready,data]) # Interrupt not necessary, as this callback should be called while not selecting except ssl.SSLWantReadError: # Should wait by itself again... pass else: # Connected only now, send init packets data.ssl_state = "connected" data.state = STATE_HELLOWAIT data.on_connect() #self.send_message("peng3dnet:internal.handshake",{"version":version.VERSION,"protoversion":version.PROTOVERSION,"registry":dict(self.registry.reg_int_str._inv)},data.cid) self.send_message("peng3dnet:internal.hello",{"version":version.VERSION,"protoversion":version.PROTOVERSION},data.cid) self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.connection.accept",{"sock":conn,"addr":data.addr,"client":data,"cid":data.cid}) return if (mask & selectors.EVENT_READ): # Socket Readable if conn==self._irqrecv: dat = conn.recv(8) if dat!=b"wake up!": conn.sendall(b"wrong socket") return elif conn==self._irqsend: # should not happen dat = conn.recv(1024) return if self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"]: try: dat = conn.recv(1024) except ssl.SSLWantWriteError: skey = self.selector.get_key(conn) if not skey&selectors.EVENT_WRITE: self.selector.modify(conn,selectors.EVENT_READ|selectors.EVENT_WRITE,[self._client_ready,data]) # Interrupt not necessary, as this callback should be called while not selecting dat = "" except ssl.SSLWantReadError: dat = "" else: try: dat = conn.recv(1024) except OSError: with self._selector_lock: self.selector.unregister(conn) data.close() return if dat: # Non-empty try: self.receive_data(dat,data.cid) except Exception: import traceback;traceback.print_exc() else: # Closed connection with self._selector_lock: self.selector.unregister(conn) data.close() if (mask & selectors.EVENT_WRITE): # Socket Writeable if data is None: return # IRQ Socket try: msg = data.write_queue.popleft() except IndexError: with self._selector_lock: self.selector.modify(conn,selectors.EVENT_READ,[self._client_ready,data]) else: if self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"]: try: conn.sendall(msg) except ssl.SSLWantWriteError: # Socket should already be in write mode pass except ssl.SSLWantReadError: # Socket will be in read mode pass else: # Re-insert message at the front data.write_queue.appendleft(msg) else: conn.sendall(msg) if len(data.write_queue)==0: with self._selector_lock: self.selector.modify(conn,selectors.EVENT_READ,[self._client_ready,data]) if data._mark_close and len(data.write_queue)==0: with self._selector_lock: self.selector.unregister(conn) data.close() # No need to delete, handler already does it
[docs] def genCID(self): """ Generates a client ID number. These IDs are guaranteed to be unique to the instance that generated them. Usually, these will be integers that simply count up and are not meant to be cryptographically secure. """ with self._cid_lock: cid = self._next_cid self._next_cid+=1 return cid
[docs] def receive_data(self,data,cid): """ Called when new raw data has been read from a socket. Note that the given ``data`` may contain only parts of a packet or even multiple packets. ``cid`` is the integer ID number of the client the data was received from. By default, the received data is stored in a buffer until enough data is available to process a packet, then :py:meth:`process_single_packet()` is called. """ client = self.clients[cid] # Length prefix code client._buf+=data while (client._buflen is None and len(client._buf)>0) or (client._buflen is not None and len(client._buf)>=client._buflen): self.process_single_packet(client)
[docs] def process_single_packet(self,client): """ Called when there should be enough data to process a single packet. ``client`` is an instance of :py:class:`ClientOnServer` representing the client. Currently parses a single packet including length prefix and calls :py:meth:`receive_packet()` with the packet data. """ if client._buflen is None: # Previous packet has been processed, begin new packet if len(client._buf)<STRUCT_LENGTH32.size: # Prevents errors return client._buflen = STRUCT_LENGTH32.unpack(client._buf[:STRUCT_LENGTH32.size])[0] client._buf = client._buf[STRUCT_LENGTH32.size:] if client._buflen>MAX_PACKETLENGTH: # Should be pretty rare, but still raise ValueError("Packet too long") if len(client._buf)>=client._buflen: # Enough data has been gathered, process it data = client._buf[:client._buflen] client._buf = client._buf[client._buflen:] client._buflen = None self.receive_packet(data,client.cid)
[docs] def receive_packet(self,data,cid): """ Called when a full packet has been received. ``data`` is the raw packet data without length prefix. ``cid`` is the integer ID number of the client. Currently, this puts the data in a queue to be processed further by :py:meth:`process()`\ . """ self._process_queue.put([cid,data]) with self._process_condition: self._process_condition.notify()
[docs] def send_message(self,ptype,data,cid): """ Sends a message to the specified peer. ``ptype`` should be a valid packet type, e.g. either an ID, name or object. ``data`` should be the data to send to the peer. ``cid`` should be the Client ID number to send the message to. Note that all data encoding will be done synchronously and may cause this method to not return immediately. The packet may also be encrypted and compressed, if applicable. Additionally, the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:server.connection.send` event is sent if the connection type allows it. """ if self.cfg["net.debug.print.send"]: print("SEND %s to %s"%(ptype,cid)) data = msgpack.dumps(data) flags = 0 if len(data)>self.cfg["net.compress.threshold"] and self.cfg["net.compress.enabled"]: data = zlib.compress(data,self.cfg["net.compress.level"]) flags = flags|FLAG_COMPRESSED header = STRUCT_HEADER.pack(self.registry.getInt(ptype),flags) data = header+data prefix = STRUCT_LENGTH32.pack(len(data)) data = prefix+data self.clients[cid].write_queue.append(data) with self._selector_lock: if not (self.selector.get_key(self.clients[cid].conn).events&selectors.EVENT_WRITE): # Prevents unneccessary modification if nothing changes self.selector.modify(self.clients[cid].conn,selectors.EVENT_READ|selectors.EVENT_WRITE,[self._client_ready,self.clients[cid]]) self.interrupt() # forces the changes to apply if (isinstance(ptype,int) and ptype<64) or (isinstance(ptype,str) and ptype.startswith("peng3dnet:")) or not self.conntypes[self.clients[cid].conntype].send(data,ptype,cid): self.clients[cid].on_send(ptype,data) self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.connection.send",{"client":self.clients[cid],"pid":ptype,"data":data}) self.registry.getObj(ptype)._send(data,cid)
[docs] def register_packet(self,name,obj,n=None): """ Registers a new packet with the internal registry. ``name`` should be a string of format ```` where category may be repeated. ``obj`` should be an instance of a subclass of :py:class:`peng3dnet.packet.Packet()`\ . ``n`` may be optionally used to force a packet to use a specific packet ID, otherwise one will be generated. """ self.registry.register(obj,name,n)
[docs] def addConnType(self,t,obj): """ Adds a connection type to the internal registry. ``t`` should be the string name of the connection type. ``obj`` should be an instance of a subclass of :py:class:`peng3dnet.conntypes.ConnectionType()`\ . Trying to register a name multiple times will cause an :py:exc:`~peng3dnet.errors.AlreadyRegisteredError`\ . """ if t in self.conntypes: raise errors.AlreadyRegisteredError("Connection type %s has already been registered"%t) self.conntypes[t]=obj
[docs] def close_connection(self,cid,reason=None): """ Closes the connection to the given peer due to the optional reason. ``cid`` should be the Client ID number. ``reason`` may be a string describing the reason. """ # not removed immediately to ensure that the reason is transmitted self.send_message("peng3dnet:internal.closeconn",{"reason":reason},cid) self.clients[cid]._mark_close = True
[docs] def process(self,wait=False,timeout=None): """ Processes all packets awaiting processing. If ``wait`` is true, this function will wait up to ``timeout`` seconds for new data to arrive. It will then process all packets in the queue, decoding them and then calling the appropriate event handlers. This method assumes all messages are packed with msgpack. If the connection type allows it, event handlers will be called and the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:server.connection.recv` event is sent. This method returns the number of packets processed. """ # TODO: check which works better #if wait and self._process_queue.empty(): if wait: with self._process_condition: self._process_condition.wait(timeout) n = 0 while not (self._process_queue.empty()): try: cid,data = self._process_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: break # may happen rarely else: # Pre-process header,body = data[:STRUCT_HEADER.size],data[STRUCT_HEADER.size:] pid,flags = STRUCT_HEADER.unpack(header) if self.cfg["net.debug.print.recv"] and (pid<64 or self.clients[cid].conntype == CONNTYPE_CLASSIC): print("RECV %s %s"%(self.registry.getStr(pid), time.time())) if flags&FLAG_COMPRESSED: olen = len(body) body = zlib.decompress(body) #print("Received compressed packet, compressed %sb uncompressed %sb, rate %.2f%%"%(olen,len(body),(olen/len(body))*100)) if flags&FLAG_ENCRYPTED_AES: raise NotImplementedError("Encryption not yet implemented") msg = msgpack.unpackb(body) try: client = self.clients[cid] if pid<64 or not self.conntypes[client.conntype].receive(msg,pid,flags,cid): self.registry.getObj(pid)._receive(msg,cid) client.on_receive(pid,msg) self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.connection.recv",{"client":client,"pid":pid,"msg":msg}) except Exception: import traceback;traceback.print_exc() n+=1 return n
[docs] def process_forever(self): """ Processes packets in a blocking manner. Note that this method is currently not interruptable and thus uses short timeouts of about 10ms, causing a slight delay in stopping this loop. """ while # TODO: make interruptable self.process(wait=True,timeout=0.01)
[docs] def process_async(self): """ Processes packets asynchronously. Internally calls :py:meth:`process_forever` in a separate daemon thread named ``peng3dnet process Thread``\ . """ self._process_thread = threading.Thread(name="peng3dnet process Thread",target=self.process_forever) self._process_thread.daemon = True self._process_thread.start()
[docs] def sendEvent(self,event,data=None): """ Helper method used to send events. Checks if the event system is enabled, adds the ``peng`` and ``server`` data attributes and then sends it. """ data = data if data is not None else {} if self.cfg[""]: if isinstance(data,dict): data["peng"]=self.peng data["server"]=self.server self.peng.sendEvent(event,data)
[docs]class ClientOnServer(object): """ Class representing a client on the server. This serves mainly as a data structure for storing the state of a specific connection. This class is not intended to be created manually. ``server`` is the instance of :py:class:`Server` that created this object. ``conn`` is the socket that should be used for communication with this client. ``addr`` is the address of this client. ``cid`` is the unique Client ID assigned to this client. """ def __init__(self,server,conn,addr,cid): self.server = server self.conn = conn self.addr = addr self.cid = cid self.write_queue = collections.deque() = None self._buf = bytes() self._buflen = None self._mark_close = False self.mode = MODE_NOTSET self.conntype = CONNTYPE_NOTSET self.state = STATE_INIT self.ssl_state = "handshake" self.ssl_seclevel = SSLSEC_NONE
[docs] def close(self,reason=None): """ Called to close the connection to this client. This method is not an event handler, use :py:meth:`on_close()` instead. """ if self.server.cfg["net.debug.print.close"]: print("CLOSE %s because of %s"%(self.cid,reason)) self.server.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.connection.close",{"client":self,"reason":reason}) if self.state!=STATE_CLOSED: self.on_close(reason) self.state = STATE_CLOSED self.mode = MODE_CLOSED try: self.server.selector.unregister(self.conn) except Exception: pass try: self.conn.close() except Exception: pass try: # may be already deleted del self.server.clients[self.cid] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def on_handshake_complete(self): """ Called when the handshake has been completed. The default implementation sends the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:server.connection.handshakecomplete` event and changes the connection state to :py:data:`~peng3dnet.constants.STATE_ACTIVE`\ . May be overridden by subclasses. """ self.server.sendEvent("peng3dnet:server.connection.handshakecomplete",{"client":self}) self.state = STATE_ACTIVE
[docs] def on_close(self,reason=None): """ Called when the connection has been closed. ``reason`` is the reason sent either by the peer or passed by the caller of :py:meth:`Server.close_connection()`\ . """ pass
[docs] def on_connect(self): """ Sent once a connection has been established. Note that at the time this method is called the handshake may not be finished, see :py:meth:`on_handshake_complete()` instead. """ pass
[docs] def on_receive(self,ptype,msg): """ Called when a packet has been received. ``ptype`` will be an integer or string representing the packet type. ``msg`` will be a Python object decoded from the raw message via messagepack. """ pass
[docs] def on_send(self,ptype,msg): """ Called when a packet has been sent. ``ptype`` will be the packet type in either string, integer or object form. ``msg`` will be the Python object that has been encoded and sent via messagepack. """ pass
[docs]class Client(object): """ Client class representing the client side of the client-server relationship. A client can only be connected to a single server during its lifetime, recycling of client instances is not supported. If given, ``peng`` should be an instance of :py:class:`peng3d.peng.Peng` and will be used for sending events and the configuration system. Note that without a valid ``peng`` parameter, the event system will not work and a custom config stack will be created. If a ``peng`` parameter is given, its config stack will be adapted and the event system enabled. .. seealso:: See :confval:`` and :doc:`/events` for more information on the event system. ``addr``\ , if given, should be a value parseable by :py:func:`peng3dnet.util.normalize_addr_socketstyle()`\ . If ``addr`` is not given, first :confval:`net.client.addr` is tried, then :confval:`` and :confval:`net.client.addr.port`\ . If any given address is missing an explicitly specified port, :confval:`net.client.addr.port` is supplemented. ``cfg`` may be used to override initial configuration values and should be a dictionary. Optionally, the connection type may be specified via ``conntype``\ , which may be set to a string identifying the type of the connection. This should usually be :py:data:`~peng3dnet.constants.CONNTYPE_CLASSIC` or one of the other ``CONNTYPE_*`` constants. Note that the connection type specified must also be registered via :py:meth:`addConnType()`\ , except for the built-in connection types. """ def __init__(self,peng=None,addr=None,cfg=None,conntype=CONNTYPE_CLASSIC): cfg = cfg if cfg is not None else {} if peng is None: self.cfg = peng3d.config.Config(cfg,DEFAULT_CONFIG) else: ncfg = {} ncfg.update(DEFAULT_CONFIG) ncfg.update(cfg) self.cfg = peng3d.config.Config(ncfg,peng.cfg) if addr is not None: addr = util.normalize_addr_socketstyle(addr,self.cfg["net.client.addr.port"]) self.cfg[""]=addr[0] self.cfg["net.client.addr.port"]=addr[1] elif self.cfg["net.client.addr"] is None: addr = util.normalize_addr_socketstyle(self.cfg[""],self.cfg["net.client.addr.port"]) else: addr = util.normalize_addr_socketstyle(self.cfg["net.client.addr"],self.cfg["net.client.addr.port"]) if self.cfg[""]=="auto": self.cfg[""]=peng is not None self.peng = peng self.addr = addr self.is_client = True self.is_server = False self.side = SIDE_CLIENT self.sock = None self._sock_lock = threading.Lock() self.selector = None self._selector_lock = threading.Lock() self._init_lock = threading.Lock() self._process_lock = threading.Lock() self._process_queue = queue.Queue() self._process_condition = threading.Condition() self._connected_condition = threading.Condition() self._closed_condition = threading.Condition() self._is_connected = False self._is_started = False self._is_initialized = False self._irqrecv = None self._irqsend = None self._mark_close = False self._close_reason = None self._run_thread = None self._process_thread = None = True self._buf = bytes() self._buflen = None self._write_buf = b"" self.target_conntype = conntype self.conntype = CONNTYPE_NOTSET self.mode = MODE_NOTSET self.remote_state = STATE_INIT self.ssl_state = "handshake" self.ssl_seclevel = SSLSEC_NONE self.conntypes = {} self.registry = registry.PacketRegistry()
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initializes internal registries used during runtime. Calling this method repeatedly will be ignored. Currently, this registers packets and connection types. Additionally, the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:client.initialize` event is sent. Subclasses and Mix-ins may hook into this method via definition of methods named ``_reg_packets_*`` or ``_reg_conntypes_*`` with the star being an arbitrary string. The methods may not take any arguments. """ if self._is_initialized: return with self._init_lock: if self._is_initialized: return # Packet registration from .packet import internal self.register_packet("peng3dnet:internal.hello",internal.HelloPacket(self.registry,self),1) self.register_packet("peng3dnet:internal.settype",internal.SetTypePacket(self.registry,self),2) self.register_packet("peng3dnet:internal.handshake",internal.HandshakePacket(self.registry,self),3) self.register_packet("peng3dnet:internal.handshake.accept",internal.HandshakeAcceptPacket(self.registry,self),4) self.register_packet("peng3dnet:internal.closeconn",internal.CloseConnectionPacket(self.registry,self),16) # Calls all methods named _reg_packets_* for mixin support for attr in dir(self): if attr.startswith("_reg_packets_") and callable(getattr(self,attr,None)): getattr(self,attr)() # Connection Type registration self.addConnType("classic",conntypes.ClassicConnectionType(self)) # Calls all methods named _reg_conntypes_* for mixin support for attr in dir(self): if attr.startswith("_reg_conntypes_") and callable(getattr(self,attr,None)): getattr(self,attr)() self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:client.initialize",{})
[docs] def connect(self): """ Connects the client with a server. Note that the server must have been specified before calling this method via either the ``addr`` argument to the initializer or any of the :confval:`net.client.addr` config values. Repeated calls of this method will be ignored. If SSL is enabled, this method will also initialize the SSL Context and load the certificates. After the connection has been made, the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet.client.connect` event is sent. """ if self._is_connected: return with self._sock_lock: if self._is_connected: return if self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"] and self.cfg["net.ssl.force"] and not HAVE_SSL: raise RuntimeError("SSL Has not been found, but it is required") elif self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"] and not HAVE_SSL: self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"]=False warnings.warn("Potential security weakness because ssl had to be disabled") self._irqrecv,self._irqsend = socket.socketpair() if self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"]: self.sslcontext = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH,cafile=self.cfg["net.ssl.server.certfile"]) self.sslcontext.check_hostname = self.cfg["net.ssl.client.check_hostname"] self.sslcontext.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if self.cfg["net.ssl.client.force_verify"] else ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL #self.sslcontext.load_default_certs(purpose=ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH) #self.sslcontext.load_cert_chain(self.cfg["net.ssl.server.certfile"],self.cfg["net.ssl.server.keyfile"]) #self.sslcontext.load_verify_locations(self.cfg["net.ssl.cafile"]) #print(self.sslcontext.get_ca_certs()) self.sock = self.sslcontext.wrap_socket(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET),server_hostname=self.addr[0]) self.sock.connect(tuple(self.addr)) # TODO: check with self-signed certs else: self.sock = socket.create_connection(tuple(self.addr)) self.sock.setblocking(True) self.remote_state = STATE_HELLOWAIT self._is_connected = True self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:client.connect",{"addr":tuple(self.addr),"sock":self.sock})
[docs] def runBlocking(self,selector=selectors.DefaultSelector): """ Runs the client main loop in a blocking manner. ``selector`` may be changed to override the selector used for smart waiting. This method blocks until :py:meth:`stop()` is called. """ if self._is_started: return self.initialize() self.connect() with self._selector_lock: if self._is_started: return self.selector = selector() self.selector.register(self.sock,selectors.EVENT_READ,[self._sock_ready,self]) self.selector.register(self._irqrecv,selectors.EVENT_READ,[self._sock_ready,None]) self.selector.register(self._irqsend,selectors.EVENT_READ,[self._sock_ready,None]) self._is_started = True self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:client.start",{}) while events = for key,mask in events: callback,data = try: callback(key.fileobj, mask, data) except Exception: import traceback;traceback.print_exc() # Ignore exceptions for now...
[docs] def runAsync(self,selector=selectors.DefaultSelector): """ Runs the client main loop in a seperate thread. ``selector`` may be changed to override the selector used for smart waiting. This method does not block and should return immediately. The newly created thread will be named ``peng3dnet Client Thread`` and is a daemon thread, i.e. it will not keep the program alive. """ self._run_thread = threading.Thread(name="peng3dnet Client Thread",target=self.runBlocking,args=[selector]) self._run_thread.daemon = True self._run_thread.start()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops the running client main loop. Will set an internal flag, then sends the event :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:client.stop` and calls :py:meth:`interrupt()` to force the close. Note that this will not close open connections properly, call :py:meth:`close_connection()` before calling this method. """ = False self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:client.stop",{"reason":"method"}) self.interrupt()
[docs] def interrupt(self): """ Wakes up the main loop by sending a special message to an internal socket. This forces the main loop to iterate once and check that the system is still running. Also sends the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:client.interrupt` event. """ # simply wakes the main loop up # used to force a check if the system is still running self._irqsend.sendall(b"wake up!") self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:client.interrupt",{})
[docs] def join(self,timeout=None): """ Waits for all spawned threads to finish. If ``timeout`` is given, it indicates the total amount of time spent waiting. If a thread has not been started yet, it will be skipped and not waited for. """ self.stop() ft = time.time()+timeout if timeout is not None else 1 if self._run_thread is not None: if timeout is None: self._run_thread.join() else: self._run_thread.join(max(ft-time.time(),0)) if self._process_thread is not None: if timeout is None: self._process_thread.join() else: self._process_thread.join(max(ft-time.time(),0))
def _sock_ready(self,sock,mask,data): if data is not None and self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"] and self.ssl_state=="handshake" and sock is self.sock: # SSL Handshake not yet complete try: sock.do_handshake() except ssl.SSLWantWriteError: skey = self.selector.get_key(sock) if not skey&selectors.EVENT_WRITE: self.selector.modify(sock,selectors.EVENT_READ|selectors.EVENT_WRITE,[self._sock_ready,None]) # Interrupt not necessary, as this callback should be called while not selecting except ssl.SSLWantReadError: # Should wait by itself again... pass else: # Connected only now, send init packets self.ssl_state = "connected" return if sock==self._irqrecv: dat = sock.recv(8) if dat!=b"wake up!": sock.sendall(b"wrong socket") return elif sock==self._irqsend: # should not happen sock.recv(1024) return if (mask & selectors.EVENT_READ): # Readable if self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"]: try: dat = sock.recv(1024) except ssl.SSLWantWriteError: skey = self.selector.get_key(sock) if not skey&selectors.EVENT_WRITE: self.selector.modify(sock,selectors.EVENT_READ|selectors.EVENT_WRITE,[self._sock_ready,None]) # Interrupt not necessary, as this callback should be called while not selecting dat = "" except ssl.SSLWantReadError: dat = "" else: dat = sock.recv(1024) if dat: # Non-empty try: self.receive_data(dat) except Exception: import traceback;traceback.print_exc() else: self.close("socketclose") if (mask & selectors.EVENT_WRITE): # Writeable self.pump_write_buffer()
[docs] def send_message(self,ptype,data,cid=None): """ Sends a message to the server. ``ptype`` should be a valid packet type, e.g. either an ID, name or object. ``data`` should be the data to send to the server. ``cid`` will be ignored, available for compatibility with server applications. Note that all data encoding will be done synchronously and may cause this method to not return immediately. The packet may also be encrypted and compressed, if applicable. Additionally, the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:client.send` event is sent if the connection type allows it. """ if self.cfg["net.debug.print.send"]: print("SEND %s"%ptype) if (isinstance(ptype,int) and ptype<64) or (isinstance(ptype,str) and ptype.startswith("peng3dnet:")) or not self.conntypes[self.target_conntype].send(data,ptype,cid): self.on_send(ptype,data) self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:client.send",{"pid":ptype,"data":data}) self.registry.getObj(ptype)._send(data) data = msgpack.dumps(data) flags = 0 if len(data)>self.cfg["net.compress.threshold"] and self.cfg["net.compress.enabled"]: data = zlib.compress(data,self.cfg["net.compress.level"]) flags = flags|FLAG_COMPRESSED header = STRUCT_HEADER.pack(self.registry.getInt(ptype),flags) data = header+data prefix = STRUCT_LENGTH32.pack(len(data)) data = prefix+data self._write_buf+=bytes(data) self.pump_write_buffer()
[docs] def pump_write_buffer(self): """ Tries to send as much of the data in the internal buffer as possible. Note that depending on various factors, not all data may be sent at once. It is possible that sent data will be fragmented at arbitrary points. If an exception occurs while sending the data, it will be ignored and the error printed to the console. """ if len(self._write_buf)==0: return try: if self.cfg["net.ssl.enabled"]: # TODO: check if the current SSL bug may be related to not calling the handshake method here. try: bytes_sent = self.sock.send(self._write_buf) except ssl.SSLWantWriteError: # Should already be in write mode bytes_sent = 0 except ssl.SSLWantReadError: # Will be in read mode bytes_sent = 0 else: bytes_sent = self.sock.send(self._write_buf) self._write_buf = self._write_buf[bytes_sent:] if len(self._write_buf)==0: if self._mark_close: with self._selector_lock: self.selector.unregister(self.sock) self.on_close(self._close_reason) return # sent everything in one go if not (self.selector.get_key(self.sock).events&selectors.EVENT_WRITE): self.selector.modify(self.sock,selectors.EVENT_READ|selectors.EVENT_WRITE,[self._sock_ready,None]) self.interrupt() except Exception: import traceback;traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def receive_data(self,data,cid=None): """ Called when new raw data has been read from the socket. Note that the given ``data`` may contain only parts of a packet or even multiple packets. ``cid`` is a dummy value used for compatibility with server applications. By default, the received data is stored in a buffer until enough data is available to process a packet, then :py:meth:`process_single_packet()` is called. """ # Length prefix code self._buf+=data while (self._buflen is None and len(self._buf)>0) or (self._buflen is not None and len(self._buf)>=self._buflen): self.process_single_packet()
[docs] def process_single_packet(self,client=None): """ Called when there should be enough data to process a single packet. ``client`` is a dummy value used for compatibilizy with server applications. Currently parses a single packet including length prefix and calls :py:meth:`receive_packet()` with the packet data. """ if self._buflen is None: # Previous packet has been processed, begin new packet if len(self._buf)<STRUCT_LENGTH32.size: # Prevents errors return self._buflen = STRUCT_LENGTH32.unpack(self._buf[:STRUCT_LENGTH32.size])[0] self._buf = self._buf[STRUCT_LENGTH32.size:] if self._buflen>MAX_PACKETLENGTH: # Should be pretty rare, but still raise ValueError("Packet too long") if len(self._buf)>=self._buflen: # Enough data has been gathered, process it data = self._buf[:self._buflen] self._buf = self._buf[self._buflen:] self._buflen = None self.receive_packet(data)
[docs] def receive_packet(self,data,cid=None): """ Called when a full packet has been received. ``data`` is the raw packet data without length prefix. ``cid`` is a dummy value used for compatibility with server applications. Currently, this puts the data in a queue to be processed further by :py:meth:`process()`\ . """ self._process_queue.put([None,data]) with self._process_condition: self._process_condition.notify()
[docs] def register_packet(self,name,obj,n=None): """ Registers a new packet with the internal registry. ``name`` should be a string of format ```` where category may be repeated. ``obj`` should be an instance of a subclass of :py:class:`peng3dnet.packet.Packet()`\ . ``n`` may be optionally used to force a packet to use a specific packet ID, otherwise one will be generated. """ self.registry.register(obj,name,n)
[docs] def addConnType(self,t,obj): """ Adds a connection type to the internal registry. ``t`` should be the string name of the connection type. ``obj`` should be an instance of a subclass of :py:class:`peng3dnet.conntypes.ConnectionType()`\ . Trying to register a name multiple times will cause an :py:exc:`~peng3dnet.errors.AlreadyRegisteredError`\ . """ if t in self.conntypes: raise errors.AlreadyRegisteredError("Connection type %s has already been registered"%t) self.conntypes[t]=obj
[docs] def close_connection(self,cid=None,reason=None): """ Closes the connection to the server due to the optional reason. ``cid`` is a dummy value used for compatibility with server applications. ``reason`` may be a string describing the reason. """ # not removed immediately to ensure that the reason is transmitted self.send_message("peng3dnet:internal.closeconn",{"reason":reason}) self._mark_close = True self._close_reason = reason
[docs] def process(self,wait=False,timeout=None): """ Processes all packets awaiting processing. If ``wait`` is true, this function will wait up to ``timeout`` seconds for new data to arrive. It will then process all packets in the queue, decoding them and then calling the appropriate event handlers. This method assumes all messages are packed with msgpack. If the connection type allows it, event handlers will be called and the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:client.recv` event is sent. This method returns the number of packets processed. """ if wait: with self._process_condition: self._process_condition.wait(timeout) n = 0 while not (self._process_queue.empty()): try: _,data = self._process_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: break # may happen rarely else: header,body = data[:STRUCT_HEADER.size],data[STRUCT_HEADER.size:] pid,flags = STRUCT_HEADER.unpack(header) if self.cfg["net.debug.print.recv"] and (pid<64 or self.target_conntype==CONNTYPE_CLASSIC): print("RECV %s"%self.registry.getStr(pid)) if flags&FLAG_COMPRESSED: body = zlib.decompress(body) if flags&FLAG_ENCRYPTED_AES: raise NotImplementedError("Encryption not yet implemented") msg = msgpack.unpackb(body) with self._process_lock: # No error catching, for better debugging if pid<64 or not self.conntypes[self.target_conntype].receive(msg,pid,flags,None): self.registry.getObj(pid)._receive(msg) self.on_receive(pid,msg) self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:client.recv",{"pid":pid,"msg":msg}) n+=1 return n
[docs] def process_forever(self): """ Processes packets in a blocking manner. Note that this method is currently not interruptable and thus uses short timeouts of about 10ms, causing a slight delay in stopping this loop. """ while # TODO: make interruptable self.process(wait=True,timeout=0.01)
[docs] def process_async(self): """ Processes packets asynchronously. Internally calls :py:meth:`process_forever()` in a separate daemon thread named ``peng3dnet process Thread``\ . """ self._process_thread = threading.Thread(name="peng3dnet process Thread",target=self.process_forever) self._process_thread.daemon = True self._process_thread.start()
[docs] def close(self,reason=None): """ Called to close the connection to the server. This method is not an event handler, use :py:meth:`on_close()` instead. Also sends the event :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:client.close`\ . """ if self.cfg["net.debug.print.close"]: print("CLOSE because %s"%reason) self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:client.close",{"reason":reason}) self.mode = MODE_CLOSED with self._closed_condition: self._closed_condition.notify_all() try: self.sock.close() except Exception: pass try: with self._selector_lock: self.selector.unregister(self.sock) except Exception: pass if self.remote_state!=STATE_CLOSED: self.on_close(reason) self.remote_state = STATE_CLOSED
[docs] def wait_for_connection(self,timeout=None): """ Waits up to ``timeout`` seconds for the connection to be established. Returns immediately if there is an active connection. """ with self._connected_condition: if self.remote_state>=STATE_ACTIVE: return # Already connected if not self._connected_condition.wait(timeout): raise errors.TimedOutError("Timed out waiting for connection")
[docs] def wait_for_close(self,timeout=None): """ Waits up to ``timeout`` seconds for the connection to close. Returns immediately if the connection is already closed. """ with self._closed_condition: if self.remote_state == STATE_CLOSED: return # Already closed if not self._closed_condition.wait(timeout): raise errors.TimedOutError("Timed out waiting for closed connection")
# Server callbacks
[docs] def on_handshake_complete(self): """ Callback called once the handshake has been completed. The default implementation sends the :peng3d:event:`peng3dnet:client.handshakecomplete` event and sets the connection state to :py:data:`~peng3dnet.constants.STATE_ACTIVE`\ . """ self.sendEvent("peng3dnet:client.handshakecomplete",{}) self.remote_state = STATE_ACTIVE
[docs] def on_connect(self): """ Event handler called once a connection has been established. Note that usually the handshake will still be in progress while this method is called. .. seealso:: See the :py:meth:`on_handshake_complete()` event handler for a better indicator when data can be sent. """ pass
[docs] def on_close(self,reason=None): """ Event handler called during connection shutdown. It may or may not be possible to send data over the connection within this method, depending on various factors. """ pass
[docs] def on_receive(self,ptype,msg): """ Event handler called if data is received from the peer. """ pass
[docs] def on_send(self,ptype,msg): """ Event handler called if data is sent to the peer. """ pass
[docs] def sendEvent(self,event,data): """ Helper method used to send events. Checks if the event system is enabled, adds the ``peng`` and ``client`` data attributes and then sends it. """ if self.cfg[""]: if isinstance(data,dict): data["peng"]=self.peng data["client"]=self self.peng.sendEvent(event,data)