Source code for peng3dnet.packet.internal

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright 2017 notna <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

This module contains various internal packets not intended for direct use.

These packets will be registered by the default implementations of client and
server classes with names starting with ``peng3dnet:``\ . Any other packets whose
name starts with ``peng3dnet:`` may be processed incorrectly.

Additionally, packets within this module usually use reserved and static packet IDs below 16.


Note that if a custom connection type is used, any steps after step 3. may be left out.

1. Server sends a :py:class:`HelloPacket` with version information
2. Client responds with :py:class:`SetTypePacket` containing connection type
3. Server stores connection type and sends :py:class:`HandshakePacket` containing version and registry
4. Client updates own registry based on packet and sends :py:class:`HandshakeAcceptPacket`
5. Server receives packet and calls event handler to signal a successful handshake

Connection shutdown

Note that this only applies to clean shutdowns caused by :py:meth:`` or its client-side equivalent.

1. ``close_connection()`` is called
2. :py:class:`CloseConnectionPacket` is sent to peer and internal flag is set
3. After packet has been fully sent, event handlers are called
4. Peer receives packet and calls event handlers
5. Server cleans up internal data structures

__all__ = [
    "HandshakePacket", "HandshakeAcceptPacket",

from . import Packet, SmartPacket
from ..constants import *
from .. import version

[docs]class HelloPacket(SmartPacket): """ Internal packet sent by the server to initialize a handshake. This is usually the first packet transmitted by every connection. It contains version information for the client to check. If the client does not support the given protocol version, the connection must be aborted with the reason ``protoversionmismatch``\ . """ state = STATE_HELLOWAIT side = SIDE_CLIENT conntype = CONNTYPE_NOTSET def receive(self,msg,cid=None): if msg["version"]!=version.VERSION: pass # for now... if msg["protoversion"]!=version.PROTOVERSION: self.peer.close_connection(cid,"protoversionmismatch") return if self.peer.cfg["net.debug.print.connect"]: print("HELLO") self.peer.send_message("peng3dnet:internal.settype",{"conntype":self.peer.target_conntype}) self.peer.remote_state = STATE_WAITTYPE self.peer.conntypes[self.peer.target_conntype].init(cid) receive.__noautodoc__ = True def send(self,msg,cid=None): self.peer.clients[cid].state = STATE_WAITTYPE if self.peer.cfg["net.debug.print.connect"]: print("HELLO %s"%cid) send.__noautodoc__ = True
[docs]class SetTypePacket(SmartPacket): """ Internal packet sent by the client to indicate the connection type. If the server does not recognize the connection type, the connection must be aborted with the reason ``unknownconntype``\ . If no connection type is supplied, ``classic`` is substituted. """ state = STATE_WAITTYPE side = SIDE_SERVER def receive(self,msg,cid=None): t = msg.get("conntype","classic") if t not in self.peer.conntypes: self.peer.close_connection("unknownconntype",cid) return self.peer.clients[cid].conntype = t self.peer.conntypes[t].init(cid) receive.__noautodoc__ = True def send(self, msg, cid=None): self.peer.conntype = self.peer.target_conntype send.__noautodoc__ = True
[docs]class HandshakePacket(SmartPacket): """ Internal packet sent by the server to synchronize the registry. Additionally, the version information is sent and checked. If the :confval:`net.registry.autosync` config value is true, the registry sent by the server will be adapted to the client. Note that only IDs are synced to names, objects will not be affected. """ state = STATE_HANDSHAKE_WAIT1 side = SIDE_CLIENT invalid_action = "close" def receive(self,msg,cid=None): if msg["version"]!=version.VERSION: pass # for now... if msg["protoversion"]!=version.PROTOVERSION: self.peer.close_connection(cid,"protoversionmismatch") return if self.peer.cfg["net.registry.autosync"]: # Sync registry if msg["registry"].keys()!=self.peer.registry.reg_int_str.inv.keys(): if self.peer.cfg["net.registry.missingpacketaction"]=="closeconnection": self.peer.close_connection(cid,"packetregmismatch") return elif self.peer.cfg["net.registry.missingpacketaction"]=="ignore": pass for name,pid in msg["registry"].items(): if name in self.peer.registry.reg_int_str.inv: obj = self.peer.registry.getObj(name) opid = self.peer.registry.getInt(name) del self.peer.registry.reg_int_str[opid] del self.peer.registry.reg_int_obj[opid] self.peer.registry.reg_int_str[pid]=name self.peer.registry.reg_int_obj[pid]=obj self.peer.send_message("peng3dnet:internal.handshake.accept",{"success":True}) self.peer.on_handshake_complete() with self.peer._connected_condition: self.peer._connected_condition.notify_all() receive.__noautodoc__ = True
[docs]class HandshakeAcceptPacket(SmartPacket): """ Internal packet sent by the client to indicate a successful handshake. Once this packet has been sent or received, the connection is established and can be used. """ state = STATE_HANDSHAKE_WAIT1 side = SIDE_SERVER invalid_action = "close" def receive(self,msg,cid=None): if msg["success"]: self.peer.clients[cid].on_handshake_complete() receive.__noautodoc__ = True
[docs]class CloseConnectionPacket(Packet): """ Internal packet to be sent to indicate that a connection is about to be closed. Usually includes a reason in the ``reason`` field. This packet can be sent at any time, regardless of connection state or type. """ def receive(self,msg,cid=None): if isinstance(msg,dict): reason = msg.get("reason",None) else: reason = None if cid is None: # On the client self.peer.close(reason=reason) else: # On the server client = self.peer.clients[cid] client.close(reason) # Everything else is handled by the class receive.__noautodoc__ = True